Academic degrees / Education:
since 2004 – full professor of the humanities;
1999 – doctor habilitated (venia legendi), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań;
1990 – PhD in Comparative Literature, Adam Mickiewicz University;
1996 – Beijing University, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing, Chinese Ministry of Education (MoE) post-doc fellowship;
1990-1991−Fudan University, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Shanghai, MoE post-doc fellowship;
1986 – Master of Arts (Chinese Language and Literature), Warsaw University, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Institute of Oriental Studies, Chair of Sinology;
1984-1985 – Beijing University, Ministry of Education Fellowship, Department of Chinese Language and Literature – advanced language courses;
1982 – Master of Arts (Theatre Studies), Academy of Theatre, Warsaw.
Professional experience:
2004 − present, full professor, Adam Mickiewicz University;
2005, visiting professor at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków;
2000-2004, associate professor, Adam Mickiewicz University;
1995-1997, adjunct, Museum of Wilanów Palace, Warsaw, Department of Art; Unit of Asian Art;
1990-2000, assistant / adjunct professor, Adam Mickiewicz University;
1988-1990, assistant professor, Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures;
1986-1987, lecturer, Warsaw University, Institute of Oriental Studies, Chair of Sinology.
Research fields:
Theatre Studies, Comparative Literature, Chinese / Taiwanese Culture and Literature
Main research grants and fellowships:
- 1984-1985, Beijing University, Beijing, China, Chinese Ministry of Education Fellowship;
- 1990-1991, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Chinese Ministry of Education post-doc Fellowship;
- 1996, Beijing University, Beijing, China, Chinese Ministry of Education post-doc Fellowship;
- 1997-1999, Polish Council for Scientific Research, Research Grant no. 1H01E 027 12;
- 2000, Beijing University of Foreign Languages, Beijing, China, visiting professor, Chinese Ministry of Education Fellowship;
- 2001, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, visiting professor, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Fellowship;
- 2001-2003, Polish Council for Scientific Research, Research Grant no. 5H01E 027 20;
- 2004, National Central Library, Center for Chinese Studies, Visiting Research Grant, Taipei, Taiwan;
- 2004-2007, Polish Ministry of Science and Informatics Research Grant no. 1H01E 028 26;
- 2005, École Française d’Extrême Orient’s Library, Paris, France, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation LT Grant;
- 2005/6, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong School for Performing Arts, National Central Library, Taiwan, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Senior Research Grant;
- 2006, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Visiting Research Grant, Wassenaar, Holland;
- 2007, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany, visiting professor, DAAD Fellowship;
- 2008, National Central Library, Center for Chinese Studies, Visiting Research Grant, Taipei, Taiwan;
- 2009-2012, Polish Ministry of Academic Education / National Center of Science, Research Grant no N N105 022636;
- 2011, Freie Universität Berlin, visiting professor, DAAD Fellowship;
- 2014, Humboldt Universität Berlin, visiting professor, DAAD Fellowship;
- 2014, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation LT Grant;
- 2016, National Central Library, Center for Chinese Studies, Visiting Research Grant, Taipei, Taiwan (declined);
- 2019, Taiwan Fellowship, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taipei, Taiwan.
Recent projects:
Taiwanese dance theatre and theatre of movement
Chinese theatre
Teaching experience:
Monographic lectures series, MA seminars, PhD seminars, history of Chinese culture, translation courses, history of Chinese literature
Academic positions:
Head of the Unit of Sinology, Chair of Oriental Languages and Literatures, Adam Mickiewicz University (2002-2007);
Head of the Unit of Chinese Literature and Culture, Chair of Asian Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University (2008-2017).
Membership of scientific institutions:
European Association of Chinese Studies (2002-2015)
NIAS Fellow Association (since 2006)
Polish Academy of Sciences (2003-2005)
Main publications:
- Chiny Ezry Pounda (Ezra Pound`s China), Poznań 1998, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 181 pp.
- Obrzędowy teatr Dalekiego Wschodu (Ritual Theatre of the Far East), Poznań 1999, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 267 pp.
- Teatr niepokorny (A Disobedient Theatre), Poznań 2003, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 248 pp.
- Gao Xingjian’s Idea of Theatre. From the Word to the Image, Leiden – Boston 2008, Sinica Leidensia Series, BRILL, 243 pp.
- Cud ucieleśnionych metamorfoz. Tajwański teatr tańca i ruchu (The Miracle of Embodied Metamorphoses. Taiwanese Dance Theatre and Theatre of Movement), Poznań 2020, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 258 pp.
- Zatańczyć niewidzialne. Tajwański Teatr Tańca Brama Chmur 1973–2019, Poznań 2022, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 314 pp.
- Bei Dao, Okno na urwisku (Window on a cliff – bilingual Chinese-Polish edition of poems by Bei Dao with in-troduction), Poznań 2001, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 354 pp.
- Gao Xingjian, Drugi brzeg (The Other Shore – edition of Gao Xingjian’s plays with commentary), Poznań 2008, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 124 pp.
ARTICLES (since 2010):
- Gao Xingjiana transkulturowy teatr totalny: “Śnieg w sierpniu” ( Transcultural Total Theatre: Gao Xingjian’s “Snow in August”), [in:] H. Chałacińska, Krzysztof Kropaczewski (eds.), W kręgu problemów ekologii kultury, Prace Humanistycznego Centrum Badań “Dyskurs wielokulturowy”, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań 2010, pp. 79-89
- Beijing Opera, Bertolt Brecht and Contemporary Chinese Drama: From Self-Observation to the Neutral Actor, “Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia”, Warsaw 2010, Polish Academy of Sciences, Centre for Studies of Non-European Cultures, no. 23, s. 1-17.
- Chinese Avant-Garde Theater: New Trends in Chinese Experimental Drama near the Close of the Twentieth Century, [in:] Philip F. Williams (ed.), Asian Literary Voices. From Marginal to Mainstream, Amsterdam 2010, Amsterdam University Press, ICAS Publication Series, vol. 12, pp. 93-114.
- Tancerza pisanie ciałem. Kaligraficzne Tańce Yunmen Wuji (Cloud Gate Dance Theatre (Writing with dancer’s body. Calligraphic dances of Yunmen Wuji / Cloud Gate Dance Theatre), “Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia”, Poznań 2012, Adam Mickiewicz University, vol. XII , pp. 79-101.
- “Taiwanese Trilogy” of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan: In Search of Taiwanese Identity, “Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia”, Warsaw 2012, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, no. 25, pp. 33-55.
- Kreowanie tańca i re-kreowanie mitu: teatr tańca Lin Lizhen (Creating dance and re-creating myth: Lin Lizhen’s dance theatre), [in:] H. Chałacińska, B. Waligórska-Olejniczak (eds.), Kreatywność w nauce, sztuce i kulturze (Creativity in Science, Art and Culture), Humanistyczne Cetrum Badań – Dyskurs Wielokulturowy (Centre of the Arts – Intercultural Dialogue), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań 2014, pp. 43-65.
- Taiwanese Contemporary Dance: From the Chinese Body to Intercultural Corporality, „Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia”, Warsaw 2015, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, pp.93-112.
- Ciało i energia w dawnych Chinach (Human body and energy in ancient China), [in: ] B. Waligórska-Olejniczak, N. Królikiewicz, K. Kropaczewski (eds.), Zjawisko energii w nauce, sztuce i kulturze (Energy in Science, Art and Culture), Centre of the Arts – Intercultural Dialogue, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań 2016, pp.53-72.
- Jerzy Grotowski’s Actor Training and Its Impact on the Taiwanese Searching Theatre. The Case of Liu Jingmin’s Early Experiments, “Porównania / Comparisons”, 2019, no. 1 (24), pp. 175-194.
- Gao Xingjian’s Dialogue with Literary and Visual Traditions, “Porównania / Comparisons”, 2020, no. 1 (26), pp. 331-343.